Sep 2, 2013

September 2013: Soul Pulls.

I’m getting to that point with records where, more often than not, if I’m in a record store, I flip through most of the stacks in a state of half-boredom, more obligated to look because it’s become habit, the archaeological grandeur of it all a distant memory from my early digging days.  These last few months, though, have been different…I chanced to stumble upon a few rare stashes, in various locations, that renewed my faith in the whole esoteric, dusty business of vinyl hunting, and during one of the best, most rejuvenating summers of my life thus far, no less.  Finding not just one or two good LP’s but whole stacks of nothing but heat, the kind of records that make you want to pick up the phone on the spot, call all your other vinyl junkie friends and say “YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT I FOUND!!!!”  They wouldn’t.  You might not either.  But trust, I tell no lies.  Dancefloor-thumping, sweet-soul aching, jazz-chops rocking, funk-pocket grooving vinyl to be found below…

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