Jan 30, 2011

January 30, 2011: Peep Deez Heah Holy Grails Y'all!!

So, let me just tell you straight out…January has been a month for me reconciling things of my past with (possible) things of my future.  I look around and I see close friends having children, taking on massive responsibilities, tryin’ to get they shit right, you know what I’m sayin’?  Now, while it’s not like I’m over here slacking or anything, there are definitely some regrets that I have regarding my own physical health over the years, and so I’m making a conscious effort to regroup and “re-set” in that area, precisely so I can be ready to take larger steps, such as having a baby with my beautiful wife Dolly, in the next couple of years.  However, anyone who knows me knows that the one thing I will never be able to stop doing is searching for grooves, and so I have acknowledged that as the vice that I cannot refuse, partly because it is a victimless crime, but also because, somewhere in the far-flung hazy horizon, I can pass this anthropological marvel of a music library on to up-and-coming generations.  In the meantime, I’m just maxin’ relaxin’, and meditating on the many paths one must consider in life…thank goodness I got the tunes to illuminate the way.

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